Tag Archives: be inspired


Last week, I was involved in a serious conversation with a colleague. In the heat of the convo, he asked a question to which he knew the answer to just so he’ll find out if indeed I truly knew it. After critically considering the question, I began beating about the bush in response. Truth is, I wasn’t very much familiar with the answer, and having given off an impression of knowing, I knew I couldn’t ‘fall my hands’.

When he saw that I was going round and round in response, he remarked, ‘there’s no shame in admitting that you don’t know.’

I was momentarily taken aback by that statement and then I decided to come out clean; after all, admitting to one case of not knowing will not degrade my intelligence. So, I asked him to tell me what the answer was.

I wasn’t prepared for what came next. It was as though he let out the initial statement as bait to draw me into his net. He made me feel comfortable with not knowing, and after admitting so, he ridiculed the fact that I didn’t know.

It was very terrible. It felt like I was the most foolish person on earth. I’m certain that you too must have passed through a similar experience, maybe worse, who knows?

But guess what?

I stumbled upon a quote that said while going through the WhatsApp statuses of some persons in my contact list just a few days ago. It read: “the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it’s the illusion of knowledge.”

Frankly speaking, I don’t like admitting that I don’t know. The teachers I had while growing up made it seem like a crime if you didn’t know the answer to their question. It was almost like they expected you to know everything. This was the same mentality I grew up with and looking at how it has affected me today, I’ve come to understand that this is very wrong.

No man is an island of knowledge. There are so many things you and I don’t know, and while we can only attempt to know them, we can’t do anything about those things as long as we don’t know them. So, why stress it?

Paraphrasing the quote, it’s better to accept that you don’t know than to claim that you know. That in itself is the greatest enemy of knowledge.

It doesn’t matter what others may say about you, it doesn’t matter how they may label you. In the end, you’ll get to know and that knowledge will make you a better person.

So, what should you do when you don’t know?

1. Admit that you don’t know.

While I can’t guarantee you that it is very easy to admit you don’t know a thing or that you’ll not be looked down on if you make the admission, I can guarantee you that admitting you don’t know prepares you for knowledge so long as you have the right mindset.

2. Be willing to know what you don’t know.

While some knowledge is not for everybody—the stylist doesn’t have a business with the knowledge of the intricate structural design of a rocket launcher—you must be willing to find out the truth about certain things that concern you.

Take, for example, you’re this same stylist and you don’t know why black is an important colour of style, have you seen that you must seek out this knowledge because it directly affects you?

3. Be open-minded to accept new information.

Some people are just too stubborn. They hold on to what they think is correct, even when it is proven without a doubt that such knowledge is wrong.

It is not enough for us to accept we don’t know and still dwell in the fact that we don’t know; after all, ‘it’s okay not to know, isn’t it?’ No.

Equally, it’s still not enough for us to accept to be schooled in what we don’t know but thereafter, vehemently refuse to accept the new information that is passed across to us.

That said, we must make the necessary adjustments.

Remember, it is only okay not to know when you:
• Admit you don’t know
• Decide to know what you don’t know, and;
• Accept the new information you previously did not know.

Final Words

Don’t let anyone shame you for your ignorance of knowledge. Similarly, don’t act as though you know something when you don’t know it.

But if you feel that it is too humiliating for you to admit you don’t know a particular thing, you can try out this trick I employ:

“Whenever I’m faced with something I don’t know, I make quick research to acquaint myself with the basic knowledge of the subject. Once this is done and I can say a thing or two about that particular thing, I go deeper in search of the information that I may have missed during my quick search. By doing so, I become better versed in that matter and ultimately become a better person.

“However, in a case where I cannot get the basic information about the subject, I swallow my ego and admit that I don’t know. Then I open up my head and mind as I seek to know.”

You too can do the same!

You too can know even when you don’t know.

Remember, the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge.

Do have a knowledgeable week!

Don’t forget to come back next Monday for another dose of Monday Inspiration!

I’ll Say It Again, Regardless…

When it comes to motivating people to become better versions of themselves, many believe that whatever should be said has been said already. For some people, the mere hint of a motivational speech turns them off. 

It’s so sad that in this part of the world where I come from, not many people pay attention to inspiring words. Many feel it’s all cliched, a sham and an unnecessary waste of time. It has gotten to the point that the noble profession of “motivational speaking” is now used as a tool for sarcasm, comedy and banter.

However, if you’re expecting me to follow this trend, or perhaps to alter the point of this article; then, I’m sorry, this article is not for you, you can stop reading at this point.

If you’re still reading, I want you to understand that motivating people to do better, to become better versions of themselves is not a trivial matter. It is not something that should be discarded as cliched and of little importance.


All over the world, in one way or the other, people need to be motivated to carry on, to stay on course, to pursue their dreams. Although, while it is good to be able to self-motivate yourself, you cannot deny the fact that sometimes, we just need to draw it from outside. After all, we don’t generate the air we breathe in to stay alive, we get it from the environment.

So, it’s not enough to say once and not say again; in fact, the average human being needs to tell herself positive words several times every single day to cushion the effects of the negative ones that may pop up.

What are you telling yourself and what am I saying to you?


I’m certain that you must have heard this phrase several times before. You see it on billboards and fliers, hear it from radios, watch it on televisions, and so on. You might also have attended seminars and events where the person speaking kept on emphasizing it. Truth is, you’ve heard it many many times.

If you’re still reading, I’m guessing you’re nodding your head at this point and asking yourself what exactly my point is. Alright, to clearly emphasize my point, I’ll tell you a story.

There was this black Pathfinder jeep my cousin rode. Each time she went out with the car, she’d always branch by the fuel station to get petrol for it. It kept happening again and again and again. 

There was one time when there was not enough petrol in the car, she had to branch to the nearest fuel station before continuing to her destination.

What am I trying to suggest?

She refuelled the car, again and again, each time with the same hydrocarbon; the same components but different quantities. If she didn’t refuel, the car wouldn’t go further. 

Similarly, you and I need to refuel consistently. Our fuel is the words we speak, the motivation we get, the “never give up”, the “just do it”, the “keep going” and the likes. No matter how full of these words we may be, we should remember that the car always needs a refuel after exhausting its existing volume. 

The most important thing is that we should understand that these motivational words are not cliched. They are there to motivate you, to help you to keep your vehicle moving forward. And when you exhaust the volume you have, you have to refuel.

One last thing, 

“The vehicles that remain on the roads are the ones that make use of their fuel.”


It’s not enough for you to listen and sink in these words and not act upon any one of them. You have to put the motivation you’ve received to good use. You have to step out.

So, dear friend,